Telehealth Physiotherapy Consultation

In situations where the patient is unable to attend the physiotherapy clinic in person Paulette can provide a Telehealth physio consultation.

This could simply involve a telephone conversation during which the patient can describe their symptoms and any difficulties they are having with their normal everyday activities. Paulette can then ask specific questions on these symptoms and provide advice and a treatment plan.

For a more detailed assessment Paulette can organise an online physio consultation via Zoom. The patient just needs to download the Zoom app on their mobile phone, tablet or computer and Paulette will send a link to allow them to join their private Zoom physiotherapy consultation meeting.

Paulette can then see the injury/ problem and plan the appropriate course of treatment.

If you would like to purchase a telehealth consultation please click button below.

Paulette Kilkenny Physio Therapy clinic Dublin
To book a Telehealth Physiotherapy Consultation please select contact option below.